Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Menu Planning

I try to plan my menus weekly, but sometimes it helps to plan a couple weeks or a month at time tentatively especially if you know it is going to be a busy week/month. I have a list of main dishes that I choose from when planning my meals. When I think of something new I want to try, I add it to the list. Once I come up with my menu plan, I make a shopping list of the ingredients I will need for each meal. Most of the time during the school year I only plan a dinner meal, and just make sure I have food in the house for quick breakfasts and lunches. Here is an example of a menu plan that I made a while back.

Thurs: Taco Soup and Breadsticks
Fri: BLTs on homemade bread
Sat: Chicken noodle stir fry
Sun: Pot Roast and potatoes and rolls and jello
Mon: Biscuit Pot Pie
Tues: Spaghetti and Breadsticks
Wed: Chicken enchiladas
Thurs: Clam Chowder
Fri: chilli dogs
Sat: chicken alfredo
Sun: Pork Chops
Mon: Broccoli Cheese soup and soup bowls.

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